Submissions from 2019
Criminal Law, Cyberlaw / Internet, State Law Evaluating New York’s “Revenge Porn” Law: A Missed Opportunity to Protect Sexual Privacy, Danielle Citron and Mary Anne Franks
Policies and Practices to Address the Educational Needs of Foster Children in Ten Florida Counties, Kele Stewart and Vanessa Thorrington
Submissions from 2018
Foreword: On the Importance of Diversity Hiring, Representation & Retention in the Law, Anthony E. Varona
HBA-DC Diversity Report: The State of Hispanic Attorneys in the DC Legal Market
Submissions from 2017
Pacific Island Whales in a Changing Climate, Angela Martin and Natalie N. Barefoot
Submissions from 2016
The Contraception Mandate Accomodated: Why the RFRA Claim in Zubik v. Burwell Fails, Caroline Mala Corbin
ACS Issue Brief
Whose Civil Liberties?: Legislative Responses to Technology-Facilitated Violence Against Women, Mary Anne Franks
Ortner Center On the Record
Submissions from 2015
Responses from the Field Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, and Policing, Donna K. Coker
Submissions from 2014
Corporate Religious Liberty: Why Corporations Are Not Entitled to Religious Exemptions, Caroline Mala Corbin
Submissions from 2013
Wrestling with Health Care: the Supreme Court Honors States Rights, Charlton C. Copeland
Miami Law Magazine
Submissions from 2012
Hard to Believe: The High Cost of a Biometric Identity Card, A. Michael Froomkin and Jonathan Weinberg
Warren Institute Research Brief
Smarter Finance for Cleaner Energy: Open Up Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) to Renewable Energy Investment, Felix Mormann and Dan Reicher
Remaking Federalism/Renewing the Economy Series
Submissions from 2011
Arbitrage International : la Construction de sa Légitimité., Elie Kleiman and Jan Paulsson
Submissions from 2010
The Effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Policy: What Has Worked, What Hasn't, and What We Don't Know, Prof. Rema Hanna, Sarah Bishop, Sara Nadel, Gabe Scheffler, and Katherine Durlacher
After Law, Francisco Valdes
Submissions from 2008
The FCC’s Regulation of Indecency, Lili Levi
Submissions from 2006
Voting Rights in Florida 1982 - 2006, JoNel Newman
Submissions from 2002
Citizenship Solidarity and Rights Individualism: On the Decline of National Citizenship in the U.S., Germany, and Israel, David Abraham