University of Miami Inter-American Law Review
Lawyer of the Americas, Volume 10 Number 2 (September 1978)
Symposium: Legal Problems for Multinational Corporations
Special Vehicles for Operating Abroad: An Overview of U.S. Tax Planning Alternatives
Robert F. Hudson Jr.
Haiti: Investment Opportunities for the U.S. Manufacturer
Rodney Nicholas Laham
The Changing Legal Climate for Multinational Investments in Developing Countries
Jaime Alvarez Soberanis
An Evaluation of the Andean Pact
Rafael Vargas-Hidalgo
The Darien Gap Case - Can Mere Words Interfere with the Sovereignty of a Foreign Nation? Sierra Club v. Adams, No. 76-2158 (D.C. Cir. Mar. 14, 1978)
Stuart Weinstein-Bacall
Private Actions by Foreign Governments Under U.S. Antitrust Laws Pfizer v. Government of India, 98 S. Ct. 584 (1978)
Everett N. Hughes
Book Review
International Economic Conflicts by James Fawcett
William McLeod
Inter-American Legal Developments
Rafael C. Benitez
Latin American Tax Update
Mary Mercedes Marti
International Banking and Finance
Debra L. Bowen
The Oceans
Wm. Stanley Sneath
Latin American Economic Integration
George Lott
Regional and International Activities
Isidoro I. Zanotti