University of Miami Inter-American Law Review
Study Space Symposium Articles
Prefatory Matter
Public Spaces in Bogotá: An Introduction
Nancy Rhinehart
Extralegal Property, Legal Monism, and Pluralism
Daniel Bonilla Maldonado
Squatters, Pirates, and Entrepreneurs: Is Informality the Solution to the Urban Housing Crisis?
Carmen G. Gonzalez
Urban Informality as a Commons Dilemma
Sheila R. Foster
Law, Extralegality, and Space: Legal Pluralism ad Landscape from Colombia to Puerto Rico
Érika Fontánez Torres
Antagonizing Bogotá
Troy E. Elder
Informal Land Subdivision and Real Estate Regularization: A Comparative Study between Colombia and Brazil
Alexandre dos Santos Cunha
The Key to Dreams: The Law and the Other City
Andrée Viana Garcés and Juan Felipe Pinilla Pineda