University of Miami Inter-American Law Review
LATCRIT SOUTH-NORTH EXCHANGE: The Global Politics of Food: Sustainability and Subordination
Prefatory Matter
The Global Politics of Food: A Critical Overview
Nancy Ehrenreich and Beth Lyon
La Producción de Alimentos en México en el Marco de las Políticas Neoliberales y del TLCAN
José Luis Calva
Cluster 1: Theoretical Perspectives:
Introduction: The Global Politics of Food
Carmen G. González
Cluster 1: Theoretical Perspectives:
Food, Globalism and Theory: Marxian and Institutionalist Insights into the Global Food System
Charles R.P. Pouncy
Cluster 1: Theoretical Perspectives:
Trade Liberalization and Obstacles to Food Security: Toward a Sustainable Food Sovereignty
Peter Halewood
Cluster 2: Food Systems and Local Practice:
Introduction: Lessons Learned from Indonesia, Latin America, and the United States
Douglas West
Cluster 2: Food Systems and Local Practice:
NAFTA's Trojan Horse & the Demise of the Mexican Hog Industry
Pamela A. Vesilind
Cluster 2: Food Systems and Local Practice:
The Impact of Indonesian Agricultural Policies on Indigenous Populations, Natural Resources and the Economy: The Limits of Democratic Self-Determination Under Capitalist Regimes
Scott Brainard
Cluster 3: Advocacy Strategies:
Introduction: Politicizing the Everyday
Nicholas Espíritu
Cluster 3: Advocacy Strategies:
Food Justice as Interracial Justice: Urban Farmers, Community Organizations and the Role of Government in Oakland, California
Christopher J. Curran and Marc-Tizoc González
Cluster 3: Advocacy Strategies:
LA's Taco Truck War: How Law Cooks Food Culture Contests
Ernesto Hernández-López
Cluster 3: Advocacy Strategies:
Litigio Estrategico Contra la Siembra de Maiz Geneticamente Modificado en Mexico,
Miguel Rábago Dorbecker, Graciela Rodriguez, Luis Miguel Cano, and Luis Fernando Garcia