University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review
Volume 15 Issue 2
Prefatory Matter
Fighting Baseball Doping in Latin America: A Critical Analysis of Major League Baseball's Drug Prevention And Treatment Program in the Dominican Republic and Venezuela
Arturo J. Marcano Guevara and David P. Fidler
Gender Discrimination Fuels Sex Selective Abortion: The Impact of the Indian Supreme Court on the Implementation and Enforcement Of The PNDT Act
Kristi Lemoine and John Tanagho
Doctrinal Development In United States Arbitration: A Metamorphosis Of Paradigms Beyond Gregor Samsa's Imagination
Pedro J. Martinez-Fraga
Marbury v. Madison And Its Impact On Israeli Constitutional Law
Yoram Rabin and Arnon Gutfel
Book Review
Carter's Screed Against Israel
Alan M. Dershowitz