University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review | Vol 9 | Iss 1

University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review

THE FIRST ANNUAL LATCRIT SUMMER COLLOQUIUM: SPAIN, THE AMERICAS AND LATINO/AS: International and Comparative Law in Triangular Perspective

Prefatory Matter





Regional Integration, National Identities and the Rights of Citizenship in Comparative Perspective:
Introduction: Regional Integration in North America and Europe: Lessons about Civil Rights and Equal Citizenship
Kevin Johnson


Regional Integration, National Identities and the Rights of Citizenship in Comparative Perspective:
Economic Restructuring and the European Monetary Union
Juan Luis Millan Pereira


Regional Integration, National Identities and the Rights of Citizenship in Comparative Perspective:
Free Movement of Persons in The European Union, National Borders and Legal Reforms: The Principle of Non-Discrimination Based On Nationality (Article 12 ECT)
Ana Salinas de Frias


Regional Integration, National Identities and the Rights of Citizenship in Comparative Perspective:
Members and Outsiders: An Examination of the Models of United States Citizenship As Well As Questions Concerning European Union Citizenship
Ediberto Roman


Human Rights, Gendered Identities and the Public/Private Dichotomy in Comparative Perspective:
Introduction: Being Individuals: A Comparative Look at Relationships, Gender and the Public/Private Dichotomy
Aniella Gonzalez


Human Rights, Gendered Identities and the Public/Private Dichotomy in Comparative Perspective:
Género y Derechos Fundamentales en Europa: Evolución Reciente de la Discriminación Positiva en el Ambito Laboral y Electoral
Angel Rodriguez-Vergara Díaz


Human Rights, Gendered Identities and the Public/Private Dichotomy in Comparative Perspective:
Save the Marriage Before (Not After) the Ceremony: The Marriage Preparation Act - Can We Have a Public Response to a Private Problem?
Lundy Langston


International Relations: Spain and Latin America:
Introduction: Hispanismo as Leverage: LatCrit Questions Spain's Motives
Angelia Padin


International Relations: Spain and Latin America:
Jurisdicción Universal y Crimenes Internacionales
Magdalena María Martin Martínez