University of Miami Law Review
Prefatory Matter
Leading Articles
Criteria in Civil Commitment Proceedings
Robert T. Benton
The Antenuptial Contract
Charles W. Gamble
The Computation of Damages Under the New Florida Wrongful Death Act
Dr. John P. Wilcox and Harold G. Melville
Cases Noted
The Rights of Private Clubs to Discriminate Against Black Guests Despite a State-issued Liquor License
Steven A. Edelstein
Implied Warranties in the Sale of Real Estate
Margarita Esquiroz
The Statute of Limitations: No Longer an Absolute Bar
Stephen G. Fischer
Attorney's Fee Earned Prior to Testimony
Judith Hayes
Installment Land Contract -- Mortgage Or Contract?
Michael Anderson
Hearing Required Before the Repossession of Goods
Peter Chatilovicz
Gideon's Encore
Wayne E. Ripley Jr.
The Right of Confrontation and the Use of Non-testifying Codefendant's Confessions: Constitutional Law in Microcosm
Thomas Alan Hendricks
Survey of Environmental Legislation
Allen C. Jacobson
Forms of Limited Practice Under the Medical Practice Act
James T. Hendrick