University of Miami Law Review
Volume 27 Issues 1-2 (Fall & Winter 1972)
Prefatory Matter
Leading Articles
Practice in Securities and Exchange Commission Investigatory and Quasi-judicial Proceedings
Jeffrey Allen Tew and David Freeman
Cases Noted
The "Expressly Authorized" Exception to the Anti-injunction Act: Section 1983 Civil Rights Actions Qualify
Thomas R. McGuigan
Fourth Amendment Protection for Domestic Subversives
Juan P. Loumiet
First Amendment Rights vs. Private Property Rights -- The Death of the "Functional Equivalent"
John R. Dwyer Jr.
The Confidential Informant: Will His Views Still Make News?
Douglas K. Silvis
Consumer Waiver of Defenses Under the UCC
Steven J. Delaney
The Polygraph: Scientific v. Judicial Acceptance
Nancy M. Little
Special Equities in Dissolution Proceedings
Irma V. Hernandez
Parent-Child Tort Immunity: A Rule in Need of Change
Susan G. Chopin