University of Miami Law Review
Prefatory Matter
The Approach to World Government Through the Technique of the World Constitutional Convention: American Experience
John Davenport
Alimony and the Income Tax
John H. Wahl Jr.
Brief Writing on Appeal to the Supreme Court of Florida
Lucille Snowden
Cases Noted
Wire Tapping
Irving Pescoe and Robert H. Slatko
Application of the Doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitor to Food Cases
George S. Goodspeed Jr.
Book Reviews
CASES ON PRIVATE CORPORATIONS. By I. Maurice Wormser and Judson A. Crane. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Mlerrill Company, 1948.
Floyd A. Wright
STATUTE MAKING, By Armand B. Coigne. Chicago: Commerce Clearing House, Inc., 1948.
Robert Meisenholder
LIBERALISM AND THE CHALLENCE OF FASCISM. By J. Salwyn Schapiro. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1949.
Duane Koenig
THE TWO CONSTITUTIONS. By Harold Stannard. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company. 1949.
Clifford Montgomery
ADAT LAW IN INDONESIA. By B. ter Haar. New York: Institute of Pacific
lR elations. 1948.
Herman J. A. C. Arens
NOTES OF A DISTRICT JUDGE. By Claude McColloch. Portland, Oregon: Privately Printed, 1948.
Earl Barber