University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review
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About This Journal
The University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review, formerly known as The Black Law Review, is a student journal committed to the promotion and publication of scholarly articles that address the legal, social, economic, and psychological issues that affect communities of color.
Current Issue: Volume 15, Issue 1 (2025)
Prefatory Matter
Town Hall on the Sustainable Development Goals and Racial Justice in Miami–Dade County
Tamar Ezer, Denisse Córdova Montes, Abigail Fleming, Lily Arslanian, Kristina Bergman, Jordan Brooks, Alexis Burns, Cassandra Hacker, Zoe Henderson, Estefania Hernandez, Alyssa Huffman, Photini Kamvisseli Suarez, Brianna Sanchez, Lakshmi Sanmuganathan, Gabrielle Thomas, and Abigail Wettstein
Restoring the Soul to Birthing in Miami: A Call for Justice for Obstetric Racism in Miami–Dade County
Jordan Brooks, Jamarah Amani, Sannisha Dale, and Dr. Karen A. Scott