"Internet Sexual Predators: Protecting Children in the Global Community" by Madeleine M. Plasencia

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The Internet, serving as the largest network of computers in the world, has provided the horizontal parallax over which all can participate in communication and transaction, education and entertainment4 It also serves a community of participants and beneficiaries whose goals are not always shared or legal. The rise of this advanced technology has led to a new "red light district."

Unlike the physical spaces available for the distribution of pornography and sexual favors for money, the Internet, with its lack of structure, has led to an unimaginable amount of pornography available for any on-line spectator.' Information necessary for consummation of transactions in the sex economy worldwide is more easily available than ever before. Moreover, children worldwide are now at greater risk than ever before.

In Part II of this Article, I discuss how the Internet puts children at greater risk. Part III is an examination of cases arising out of Internet use that led to abuse of children. Part IV explores the Internet and the mail-order bride business as it affects children outside the United States. In Part V, I discuss crimes involving what is termed "virtual abuse." Part VI covers legislative responses to the problem. In Part VII, I examine jurisdictional problems encountered with crimes involving cyberspace. Finally, Part VIII provides my conclusions and a caveat.
