
Submissions from 2020


Against Fascism: Toward a Latcritical Legal Genealogy, Elizabeth M. Iglesias
23 Harv. Latinx L. Rev. 233 (2020)


Identity: Obstacles and Openings, Osamudia R. James
73 SMU L. REV. F. 156 (2020)


COVID-19 Reflections on Resilience and Reform in the Child Welfare System, Robert Latham and Kele M. Stewart
48 Fordham Urb. L.J. 95 (2020)


Arizona's Sex Offender Laws: Recommendations for Reform, Tamara Rice Lave
52 Ariz. St. L.J. 925 (2020)


Media Literacy Beyond the National Security Frame, Lili Levi
2020 Utah L. Rev. 941 (2020)


Narcotraffic as Connected Political Crime in Colombia: the FARC Case, Andrea Mateus-Rugeles and Paula C. Arias
51 University of Miami Inter-American Law Review 1 (2020)


Antitrust in Attention Markets: Objections and Responses, John M. Newman
59 Santa Clara L. Rev. 743 (2020)


Theater and Revolution in Clinical Legal Education, JoNel Newman, Fergus Lawrie, Donald Nicolson, and Melissa Swain
26 Clinical L. Rev. 465 (2020)


The Life and Death of Confederate Monuments, Jessica Owley and Jess Phelps
68 Buff. L. Rev. 1393 (2020)


High Seas Governance: Gaps and Challenges, Bernard H. Oxman
114 Am. J. Int'l L. 796 (2020)


The Free Sea: The American Fight for Freedom of Navigation, Bernard H. Oxman
114 Am. J. Int'l L. 340 (2020)


Disabling Fascism: A Struggle for the Last Laugh in Trump’s America, Madeleine M. Plasencia
23 Harvard Latinx Law Review 287 (2020)


Capitalizing on Healthy Lawyers: The Business Case for Law Firms to Promote and Prioritize Lawyer Well-Being, Jarrod F. Reich
65 Vill. L. Rev. 361 (2020)


Capitalizing on Healthy Lawyers: The Business Case for Law Firms to Promote and Prioritize Lawyer Well-Being, Jarrod F. Reich
6 The Practice (2020)


Capitalizing on Heathy Lawyers: The Business Case for Law Firms to Promote and Prioritize Lawyer Well-Being, Jarrod F. Reich
6 Harv. L. Sch. Ctr. On the Legal Prof. (2020)


Failure to Capture: Why Business Does Not Control the Rulemaking Process, Gabriel Scheffler
79 Md. L. Rev. 700 (2020)


The Dynamism of Health Law: Expanded Insurance Coverage as the Engine of Regulatory Reform, Gabriel Scheffler
10 UC Irvine L. Rev. 729 (2020)


How the COVID-19 Pandemic Has and Should Reshape the American Safety Net, Gabriel Scheffler, Andrew Hammond, and Ariel Jurow Kleiman
105 Minn. L. Rev. Headnotes 154 (2020)


Regulating Cleanups of Homeless Encampments, Stephen J. Schnably
75 U. Mia. L. Rev. Cav. 8 (2020)


Conduct Yourself Accordingly: Amending Bar Character & Fitness Questions to Promote Lawyer Well-Being, Janet Stearns and David Jaffe
26 Prof Law 3 (2020)


The Court and the Suspect: Human Frailty, the Calculating Criminal, and the Penitent in the Interrogation Room, Scott E. Sundby
98 Wash. U. L. Rev. 123 (2020)

Submissions from 2019


Black, Poor, and Gone: Civil Rights Law’s Inner-City Crisis, Anthony V. Alfieri
54 Harv. C.R.-C.L. L. Rev. 629 (2019)


The Poverty of Clinical Canonic Texts, Anthony V. Alfieri
26 Clinical L. Rev. 53 (2019)


Face-Off on Facebook: Judges and Lawyers as Social Media "Friends" in a Post-Herssein World, Ralph Artigliere, William F. Hamilton, David Hazouri, Jan L. Jacobowitz, and Meenu Sasser
93 Fla. B.J. 18 (2019)


Collected Lectures and Talks on Corporate Law, Legal Theory, History, Finance, and Governance, William Wilson Bratton
42 Seattle U. L. Rev. 755 (2019)


The Modern Corporation and Private Property Revisited: Gardiner Means and the Administered Price, William Wilson Bratton
42 Seattle U. L. Rev. 591 (2019)

Combating Aggressive Tax Planning Through Disclosure: A Comparison of U.S. and EU Rules Applicable to Tax Advisors, Patricia A. Brown
38 ABA Tax Times Online (2019)


How Neuroscience Technology Is Changing Our Understanding of Brain Injury, Vegetative States and the Law, Glenn R. Butterton
20 N.C. J.L. & TECH. 331 (2019)


E-Notice and Comment on Due Process, Sergio J. Campos
2019 Jotwell: J. Things We Like 1 (2019)


The Uncertain Path of Class Action Law, Sergio J. Campos
40 Cardozo L. Rev. 2223 (2019)


Forgotten Statutes: Trade Law's Domestic (Re)Turn, Kathleen Claussen
113 AJIL Unbound 40 (2019)

Forgotten Statutes: Trade Law’s Domestic (Re)turn, Kathleen Claussen
113 AJIL Unbound 40 (2019)


Old Wine in New Bottles?The Trade Rule of Law, Kathleen Claussen
Yale J. Int'l L. Online (2019)


The Casualty of Investor Protection in Times of Economic Crisis, Kathleen Claussen
118 Yale L.J. 1545 (2019)


Private Standards and the Benzene Case: A Teaching Guide, Cary Coglianese and Gabriel Scheffler
71 Admin. L. Rev. 353 (2019)


Christian Legislative Prayers and Christian Nationalism, Caroline Mala Corbin
76 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 453 (2019)


Opportunistic Originalism and the Establishment Clause, Caroline Mala Corbin
54 Wake Forest L. Rev. 617 (2019)


Beyond Bitcoin: Leveraging Blockchain to Benefit Business and Society, Rachel Epstein and Marcia Narine Weldon
20 Transactions: Tenn. J. Bus. L. 837 (2019)


The Miseducation of Free Speech, Mary Anne Franks
105 Va. L.Rev. Online 218 (2019)


Witch Hunts: Free Speech, #MeToo, and the Fear of Women's Words, Mary Anne Franks
2019 U. Chi. Legal F. (2019)


Sex, Lies, and Videotape: Deep Fakes and Free Speech Delusions, Mary Anne Franks and Ari Ezra Waldman
78 Md. L. Rev. 892 (2019)


The Law as Uncopyrightable: Merging Idea and Expression Within the Eleventh Circuit’s Analysis of “Law-Like” Writing, Christina M. Frohock
73 University of Miami Law Review 1269 (2019)


When AIs Outperform Doctors: Confronting the Challenges of a Tort-Induced Over-Reliance on Machine Learning, A. Michael Froomkin, Ian Kerr, and Joelle Pineau
61 Ariz. L. Rev. 33 (2019)


Talking About Black Lives Matter and #MeToo, Linda S. Greene, Lolita Buckner Innes, Bridget J. Crawford, Mehrsa Baradaran, Bennett Capers, Osamudia R. James, and Keisha Lindsay
34 Wis. J. L. Gender, & Soc'y 109 (2019)


Ripensare la Razionalità: la Crescita di Significato e I Limiti del Formalismo, Susan Haack
2019 Diritto e Questioni Pubbliche 159 (2019)


"Scientific Inference" vs. "Legal Reasoning"? Not so Fast! ¿"Inferencia Cientifíca" vs."Razonamiento Jurídico"? -- No Tan Rápido!, Susan Haack
13 Problema: Anuario de Filosofía y Teoría del Derecho 193 (2019)


Deploying Mindfulness to Gain Cognitive Advantage: Considerations for Military Effectiveness and Well-being, Amishi P. Jha, Scott L. Rogers, Eric Schoomaker, and Edward Cardon
NATO Science and Technology Conference Proceedings 14 (2019)


Misunderstanding Judy Norman: Theory as Cause and Consequence, Martha R. Mahoney
51 Conn. L. Rev. 671 (2019)


Equal Protection and the Male Gaze: An Approach to New Hampshire v. Lilley, Nicholas Mignanelli
22 J. Gender Race & Just. 265 (2019)


Review of the Quotable Brandeis, Nicholas Mignanelli
11 Unbound: Rev. Legal Hist. & Rare Books 41 (2019)


Antitrust in Digital Markets, John M. Newman
72 Vand. L. Rev. 1497 (2019)


Procompetitive Justifications in Antitrust Law, John M. Newman
94 Ind. L.J. 501 (2019)


Occupational Licensing and the Limits of Public Choice Theory, Ryan Nunn and Gabriel Scheffler
4 Admin. L. Rev. Accord 25 (2019)


CWA In-Lieu Fee Mitigation: Project and Programmatic Risks, Erin Okuno, Rebecca Kihslinger, Royal C. Gardner, and Christina Libre
49 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10538 (2019)


What Can the Apple Teach the Orange? Lessons U.S. Land Trusts Can Learn from the National Trust in the U.K., Jessica Owley, Lauren Gwin, and Sally K. Fairfax
30 Duke Envtl. L. & Pol'y F. 89 (2019)


The New Agriculture: From Food Farms to Solar Farms, Jessica Owley and Amy Wilson Morris
44 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 409 (2019)


Understanding the Complicated Landscape of Civil War Monuments, Jessica Owley and Jess Phelps
93 Ind. L.J. Supp. 15 (2019)


Nonparticipation and Perceptions of Legitimacy, Bernard H. Oxman
37 Berkeley J. Int'l L 235 (2019)


Etched in Stone: Historic Preservation Law and Confederate Monuments, Jess R. Phelps and Jessica Owley
71 Fla. L. Rev. 627 (2019)


Mindfulness, Mental Health, and Wellness, Scott L. Rogers
36 GPSolo 12 (2019)


The Science of Mindfulness and the Practice of Law, Scott L. Rogers and Amishi P. Jha
36 GPSolo 32 (2019)


Unlocking Access to Health Care: A Federalist Approach to Reforming Occupational Licensing, Gabriel Scheffler
29 Health Matrix 293 (2019)


Environmental Law. Disrupted, Inara Scott, David Takacs, Rebecca Bratspies, Vasessa Casado Perez, Robin Kundis Craig, Keith Hirokawa, Blake Hudson, Sarah Krakoff, Katrina Fischer Kuh, Jessica Owley, Melissa Powers, Shannon Roesler, and Jonathan Rosenbloom
49 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10038 (2019)


Addiction-Informed Immigration Reform, Rebecca Sharpless
94 Wash. L. Rev. 1891 (2019)


Building by Right: Social Equity Implications of Transitioning to Form-Based Code, Daniela A. Tagtachian, Natalie N. Barefoot, and Adrienne L. Harreveld
28 J. Affordable Housing & Commun. Dev. L. 71 (2019)


Technology in Legal Practice: Keeping Ethical Obligations in Mind, Teresa J. Verges and Christine Lazaro
3 PLI Current (2019)


Social Justice and Deposit Return Calculations: A Study of Success and Failure in Commercial Law Reform, William H. Widen
93 St. John's L. Rev. 265 (2019)

Submissions from 2018


Introductory Essay: Things Fall Apart: Hard Choices in Public Interest Law, Anthony V. Alfieri
31 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 335 (2018)


Things Fall Apart, Anthony V. Alfieri
31 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 335 (2018)


What's Next: Into a Third Decade of LatCrit Theory, Community, and Praxis, Steven W. Bender, Francisco Valdes, Shelley Cavalieri, Jasmine Gonzalez Rose, Saru Matambanadzo, Roberto Corrada, Jorge Roig, Tayyab Mahmud, Zsea Bowmani, and Anthony E. Varona
16 Seattle J. for Soc. Justice 823 (2018)


The Long Arc of Human Rights: A Case for Optimisn, Caroline Bettinger-López
97 Foreign Affairs 186 (2018)


Sessions’ Draconian Asylum Decision: The U.S. Turns Its Back on Domestic Violence Victims, Caroline Bettinger-López and Rachel Vogelstein
June Foreign Affairs (2018)


The New Bond Workouts, William Wilson Bratton and Adam J. Levitin
156 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1597 (2018)


Uncovering Through Discovery (Book Review), Sergio J. Campos
JOTWELL (2018)


Discovery Disclosure and Deterrence, Sergio J. Campos and Cheng Li
71 Vand. L. Rev. 1993 (2018)


Beyond Norms: Using International Economic Tools to Deter Malicious State-Sponsored Cyber Activities, Kathleen Claussen
32 Temple Int'l & Comp. L.J. 113 (2018)


Dispute Settlement Under the Next Generation of Free Trade Agreements, Kathleen Claussen
46 Ga. J. Int'l & Comp. L. 661 (2018)


Old Wine in New Bottles? The Trade Rule of Law, Kathleen Claussen
44 Yale J. Int'l L. Online 61 (2018)


Separation of Trade Law Powers, Kathleen Claussen
43 Yale J. Int'l L. 315 (2018)


The Other Trade War, Kathleen Claussen
103 Minn. L. Rev. Headnotes 1 (2018)


Tipping Point Challenges in International Economic Disputes, Kathleen Claussen
17 LPICT 61 (2018)


Introduction to the Yale Symposium on Trade Law Under the Trump Administration, Kathleen Claussen and David Singh Grewal
44 Yale J. Int'l L. Online 1 (2018)

Restorative Responses to Campus Sexual Harm: Promising Practices and Challenges, Donna Coker
1 Int'l J. Restorative Just. 385 (2018)


Is There Any Silver Lining to Trinity Lutheran Church, Inc. v. Comer?, Caroline Mala Corbin
116 MLR Online 137 (2018)


Modularity in Cross-Border Insolvency, Andrew B. Dawson
93 Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 677 (2018)


The Law Firm Chief Innovation Officer: Goals, Roles, and Holes, Michele M. DeStefano
Modern Legal Practice 1 (2018)


Collaborative Enforcement, Andrew Elmore
10 N.E. U. L.J. 72 (2018)


Franchise Regulation for the Fissured Economy, Andrew Elmore
86 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 907 (2018)


Strategic Litigation to Advance Public Health, Tamar Ezer and Priti Patil
20 Health & Hum. Rts. 149 (2018)


Fearless Speech, Mary Anne Franks
17 First Amend. L. Rev. 294 (2018)


Justice Beyond Dispute, Mary Anne Franks
131 Harv. L. Rev. 1374 (2018)


Big Data: Destroyer of Informed Consent, A. Michael Froomkin
21 Yale J.L. & Tech. 27 (2018)


Alabama Song? Lotte Lenya? No. Adolph Hitler!, Patrick O. Gudridge
JOTWELL (2018)


The Pragmatist Tradition: Lessons for Legal Theorists, Susan Haack
95 Wash. U. L. Rev. (2018)


When Impunity and Corruption Embrace: How the Past Becomes the Future in the Struggle Against Torture and Genocide, Elizabeth M. Iglesias
25 U.C. Davis J. Int'l L. & Pol'y 1 (2018)


Happy Birthday Siri! Dialing in Legal Ethics for Artificial Intelligence, Smartphones, and Real Time Lawyers, Jan L. Jacobowitz and Justin Ortiz
4 Tex. A&M J. Prop. L. 407 (2018)


The OECD/G20-BEPS-Project and the Value Creation Paradigm: Economic Reality Disemboguing into the Interpretation of the "Arm's Length" Standard, Stanley I. Langbein and Max R. Fuss
51 Int'l Law. 259 (2018)


Assessing the Real Risk of Sexually Violent Predators: Doctor Padilla's Dangerous Data, Tamara Rice Lave and Franklin E. Zimring
55 Am. Crim. L. Rev. (2018)


Real "Fake News" and Fake "Fake News", Lili Levi
16 First Amend. L. Rev. 232 (2018)


The New Separability, Lili Levi
20 Vand. J. Ent. & Tech. L. 709 (2018)