
Submissions from 2013


Empirical Fallacies of Evidence Law: A Critical Look at the Admission of Prior Sex Crimes, Tamara Rice Lave and Aviva Orenstein
81 U. Cin. L. Rev. 795 (2013)


"Smut and Nothing But": The FCC, Indecency, and Regulatory Transformations in the Shadows, Lili Levi
65 Admin. L. Rev. 509 (2013)


The Tax Import of the FASB/IASB Proposal on Lease Accounting, George Mundstock
32 Va. Tax Rev. 461 (2013)


From Kansas to the Congo: Why Naming and Shaming Corporations through the Dodd-Frank Act's Corporate Governance Disclosure Won't Solve a Human Rights Crisis, Marcia Narine
25 Regent U. L. Rev. 351 (2013)


Copyright Freeconomics, John M. Newman
66 Vand. L. Rev. 1407 (2013)


Inherent Human Rights: Philosophical Roots of the Universal Declaration, James W. Nickel
35 Hum. Rts. Q. 528 (2013)


Presumptive Collection: An Innovative Proposal for a Notoriously Difficult Problem, Leigh Osofsky
JOTWELL (2013)


Who's Naughty and Who's Nice? Frictions, Screening, and Tax Law Design, Leigh Osofsky
61 Buff. L. Rev. 1057 (2013)


From Citizen Suits to Conservation Easements: The Increasing Private Role in Public Permit Enforcement, Jessica Owley
43 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10486 (2013)


The Increasing Privatization of Environmental Permitting, Jessica Owley
46 Akron L. Rev. 1091 (2013)


Rethinking Sustainability to Meet the Climate Change Challenge, Jessica Owley, Michael Burger, Elizabeth Burleson, Rebecca M. Bratspies, Robin Kundis Craig, David M. Driesen, Alexandra R. Harrington, Keith H. Hirokawa, Sarah Krakoff, Katrina Fischer Kuh, Stephen R. Miller, Patrick Parenteau, Melissa Powers, Shannon M. Roesler, and Jonathan Rosenbloom
43 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10342 (2013)


Towards Engaged Scholarship, Jessica Owley, John R. Nolon, Keith Hirokawa, and Sean Nolon
33 Pace L. Rev. 821 (2013)

Agora: The South China Sea Editor's Introduction, Bernard H. Oxman and Lori Fisler Damrosch
107 Am. Jl. Int'l. Law 95 (2013)


Colonizing Humanity, Kunal Parker
JOTWELL (2013)


Inside the Black Box, Robert Eli Rosen
JOTWELL (2013)


The Effect of Childhood Vaccine Exemptions on Disease Outbreaks, Gabriel Scheffler
CAP Health Care Reports (2013)


Using a Human Rights Approach in Immigration Advocacy: An Introduction, Rebecca Sharpless, Robert Pauw, and Judith L. Wood
47 Clearinghouse Rev. 88 88-96 (2013)


Teague New Rules Must Apply in Initial-review Collateral Proceedings: The Teachings of Padilla, Chaidez, and Martinez, Rebecca Sharpless and Andrew Stanton
67 University of Miami Law Review 795 (2013)


“What We’ve Got Here is Failure to Communicate”: The Plain Writing Act of 2010, Rachel Stabler
40 J. Legis. 280 (2013)


Everyman's Exclusionary Rule: The Exclusionary Rule and the Rule of Law (or Why Conservatives Should Embrace the Exclusionary Rule), Scott E. Sundby
10 Ohio St. J. Crim. L. 393 (2013)


The Impact of Rankings and Rules on Legal Education Reform, David Yellen
45 Conn. L. Rev. 1389 (2013)

Submissions from 2012


Dual Citizenship Is a Have and Have-Not Issue, David Abraham
New York Times (2012)


Educating Lawyers for Community, Anthony V. Alfieri
2012 WIsconsin L. Rev. 115 (2012)


Fidelity to Community: A Defense of Community Lawyering, Anthony V. Alfieri
90 Texas L. Rev. 635 (2012)


Service Delivery, Resource Allocation and Access to Justice: Greiner and Pattanayak and the Research Imperative, Anthony V. Alfieri, Jeffrey Selbin, Jeanne Charn, and Stephen Wizner
122 Yale L.J. Online 45 (2012)


Introduction: Jessica Lenahan (Gonzales) v. United States: Implementation, Litigation, and Mobilization Strategies, Caroline Bettinger-López
21 Am. U. J. Gender Soc. Pol'y & L. 207 (2012)


The Challenge of Domestic Implementation of International Human Rights Law in the Cotton Field Case, Caroline Bettinger-López
15 CUNY L. Rev. 315 (2012)


Costing Financial Regulation, Caroline Bradley
JOTWELL (2012)


Transparency and Financial Regulation in the European Union: Crisis and Complexity, Caroline Bradley
35 Fordham Int'l L.J. 1171 (2012)


In Tribute: Frank I. Michelman, Judge Guido Calabrese, Judge Dennis Davis, Rosalind Dixon, Dieter Grimm, Patrick O. Gudridge, Martha Minnow, and Margaret Jane Radin
125 Harv. L. Rev. 879 (2012)


Erie as a Choice of Enforcement Defaults, Sergio J. Campos
64 Fla. L. Rev. 1573 (2012)


Mass Torts and Due Process, Sergio J. Campos
65 Vand. L. Rev. 1059 (2012)


Proof of Classwide Injury, Sergio J. Campos
37 Brook. J. Int'l L. 751 (2012)


Striking Out Specious Claims in Mass Tort Global Settlements, Sergio J. Campos
JOTWELL (2012)


State Control of Black Mothers, Donna Coker
JOTWELL (2012)


Henry Friendly: The Judge, the Man, the Book, Mary I. Coombs
91 Tex. L. Rev. 331 (2012)


Beyond Separation in Federalism Enforcement: Medicaid Expansion, Coercion, and the Norm of Engagement, Charlton C. Copeland
15 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 91 (2012)


Creation Stories: Stanley Hauerwas, Same-Sex Marriage, and Narrative in Law and Theology, Charlton C. Copeland
75 Law & Contemp. Probs. 87 (2012)


Nonbelievers and Government Speech, Caroline Mala Corbin
97 Iowa L. Rev. 347 (2012)


The Irony of Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v EEOC, Caroline Mala Corbin
106 Nw. U. L. Rev. 951 (2012)


Nonlawyers Influencing Lawyers: Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen or Stone Soup?, Michele M. DeStefano
80 Fordham L. Rev. 2791 (2012)


Going Rogue: Stop the Beach Renourishment as an Object of Morbid Fascination, Mary Doyle and Stephen J. Schnably
64 Hastings L.J. 83 (2012)


An Essay on Slavery's Hidden Legacy: Social Hysteria and Structural Condonation of Incest, Zanita E. Fenton
55 Howard L.J. 319 (2012)


Disabling Racial Repetition, Zanita E. Fenton
31 Law & Ineq. 77 (2012)


Sexual Harassment 2.0, Mary Anne Franks
71 Md. L. Rev. 655 (2012)


When Bad Speech Does Good, Mary Anne Franks
43 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 395 (2012)


“Brisas del Mar”: Judicial and Political Outcomes of the Cuban Rafter Crisis in Guantánamo, Christina Frohock
15 Harv. Latino L. Rev. 39 (2012)


The Embedded Epistemologist: Dispatches from the Legal Front, Susan Haack
25 Ratio Juris 206 (2012)


Speaking Truth to the Power That Funds Them: a Jurisprudence of Association for Advocacy Organizations Financially Dependent on Government Grants and Contracts, Frances R. Hill
15 Legislation and Public Policy 363 (2012)


Teaching Elements of Election Law Beyond the Disciplinary Borders of "Election Law", Frances R. Hill
56 St. Louis U. L.J. 789 (2012)


Endless Pursuit: Capturing Technology at the Intersection of the First Amendment and Attorney Advertising, Jan L. Jacobowitz and Gayland O. Heathcote II
17 J. Tech. L. & Pol'y 63 (2012)


"As the Twig Is Bent": Law Student Insights Regarding Pro Bono and Public Interest Law, Jan L. Jacobowitz and Judge Vance E. Salter
86 Fla. B.J. 50 (2012)


Social Media and the Press, Lili Levi
90 N.C. L. Rev. 1531 (2012)


The Problem of Trans-National Libel, Lili Levi
60 Am. J. Comp. L. 507 (2012)


Enhancing the Investor Appeal of Renewable Energy, Felix Mormann
42 Envtl. L. 681 (2012)


The Borders Of E.U. Tax Policy And U.S. Competitiveness, George Mundstock
66 University of Miami Law Review 737 (2012)


Whistleblowers and Rogues: An Urgent Call for an Affirmative Defense to Corporate Criminal Liability, Marcia Narine
62 Cath. U. L. Rev. 41 (2012)


Anticompetitive Product Design in the New Economy, John M. Newman
39 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 681 (2012)


Miami's Medical-Legal Partnership: Preparing Lawyers and Physicians For Holistic Practice, JoNel Newman
9 Ind. Health L. Rev. 473 (2012)


Value Divergence in Global Intellectual Property Law, J. Janewa Osei-Tutu
87 Ind. L.J. 1639 (2012)


Hypersalience and Why Understanding Behavioral Tax Law and Economics Means Understanding Tax, Leigh Osofsky
JOTWELL (2012)


Some Realism About Responsive Tax Administration, Leigh Osofsky
66 Tax L. Rev. 121 (2012)


Neoliberal Land Conservation and Social Justice, Jessica Owley
2012 IUCN Acad. of Env'tl L. eJournal 1 (2012)


Who Should Protect the Forest: Conservation Easements in the Forest Legacy Program, Jessica Owley and Stephen J. Tulowiecki
33 Pub. Land & Resources L. Rev. 47 (2012)


In Memoriam David J. Bederman (1961-2011), Bernard H. Oxman
106 Am. Jl. Int'l. Law 295 (2012)


The Public Interest in International Arbitration, Jan Paulsson
106 Am. Soc'y Int'l L. Proc. 300 (2012)


Who Are We? Parental Influences on Self-Identities and Self-Esteem of Second Generation Youths in Spain, Alejandro Portes, Adrienne Celaya, Erik Vickstrom, and Rosa Aparicio
70 RIS 9 (2012)


The Mindful Law School: An Integrative Approach to Transforming Legal Education, Scott L. Rogers
28 Touro L. Rev. 1189 (2012)


All Fact is Beautiful Theory: The Romantic Philip Selznick, Robert Eli Rosen
20 Issues in Legal Scholarship 63 (2012)


Organizational, Not transactional, Legal Engineers, Robert Eli Rosen
JOTWELL (2012)


The Framing Effects of Professionalism: Is There a Lawyer Cast of Mind? Lessons from Compliance Programs, Robert Eli Rosen, Christine E. Parker, and Viveke Lehmann Nielsen
40 Fordham Urb. L.J. 297 (2012)


Better Mistakes in Patent Law, Andres Sawicki
39 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 735 (2012)


Implementing the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights' Domestic-Violence Ruling, Elizabeth M. Schneider, Caroline Bettinger-López, Julie Goldscheid, Sandra S. Park, Ejim Dike, Lisalyn R. Jacobs, Margaret Drew, and Mary Haviland
46 Clearinghouse Rev. 113 (2012)


More Than One Lane Wide: Against Hierarchies of Helping in Progressive Legal Advocacy, Rebecca Sharpless
19 Clinical L. Rev. 247 (2012)


Debate: The Contraception Mandate and Religious Freedom, Steven D. Smith and Caroline Mala Corbin
U. Pa. L. Rev. Online (2012)


The Connection Between Permanency and Education in Child Welfare Policy, Kele Stewart
9 Hastings Race & Poverty L.J. 511 (2012)


The Loss of Constitutional Faith: McCleskey v. Kemp and the Dark Side of Procedure, Scott E. Sundby
10 Ohio St. J. Crim. L. 5 (2012)


Coming Up: New Foundations in LatCrit Theory, Community, and Praxis, Francisco Valdes
48 Cal. W. L. Rev. 505 (2012)

Differentiating Equality: A Comment on Libby Adler’s ‘Gay Rights and Lefts: Rights Critique and Distributive Analysis for Real Law Reform, Anthony E. Varona
Harv. Civ. Rights-Civ. Libs. L. Rev. Online Colloquium (2012)


The Arbitrage Of Truth: Combating Dissembling Disclosure, Derivatives, And The Ethic Of Technical Compliance, William H. Widen
66 University of Miami Law Review 393 (2012)

Submissions from 2011


The Geometry of Inside and Outside, David Abraham
9 Issues in Legal Scholarship 1 (2011)


Resolving the Disjunction Between Cultural Property Policy and Law: A Call for Reform, Andrew L. Adler and Stephen K. Urice
64 Rutgers L. Rev. 117 (2011)


Big Law and Risk Management: Case Studies of Litigation, Deals, and Diversity, Anthony V. Alfieri
24 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 991 (2011)


Integrating into a Burning House: Race- and Identity-Conscious Visions in Brown's Inner City, Anthony V. Alfieri
84 S. Cal. L. Rev. 541 (2011)


Redefining Human Rights Lawyering Through the Lens of Critical Theory: Lessons for Pedagogy and Practice, Caroline Bettinger-López, Davida Finger, Meetali Jain, JoNel Newman, Sarah Paoletti, and Deborah M. Weissman
18 Geo. J. on Poverty L. & Pol'y 337 (2011)


Consultation and Legitimacy in Transnational Standard-Setting, Caroline Bradley
20 Minn. J. Int'l L. 480 (2011)


Open Government and the Implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act, Caroline Bradley
JOTWELL (2011)


Transparency is the New Opacity: Constructing Final Regulation After the Crisis, Caroline Bradley
1 Am. U. Bus. L. Rev. 7 (2011)


When Corporations Translate Treaties, Caroline Bradley
JOTWELL (2011)


At the Conjunction of Love and Money: Comment on Julie A. Nelson, Does Profit-Seeking Rule Out Love? Evidence (or Not) from Economics and Law, William Wilson Bratton
35 Wash. U. J. L. & Pol'y 109 (2011)


Reuven Avi-Yonah's Citizens United and the Corporate Form: Still Unuseful, William Wilson Bratton
1 Account. Econ. Law [xlviii]-[xlix] (2011)


The Political Economy of Fraud on the Market, William Wilson Bratton and Michael L. Wachter
160 U. Pa. L. Rev. 69 (2011)


Debate: The Future of Mass Torts, Sergio J. Campos and Howard M. Erichson
159 U. Pa. L. Rev. PENNumbra 231 (2011)


O My Sons and Daughters, How Do I Immiserate Thee: Let Me Count the Ways, Kenneth M. Casebeer
29 Hofstra Lab. & Emp. L. J. 1 (2011)


Supreme Court Without A Clue: 14 Penn Plaza Llc V. Pyett and The System Of Collective Action And Collective Bargaining Established By The National Labor Relations Act, Kenneth M. Casebeer
65 University of Miami Law Review 1063 (2011)


Taking Interdependence And Production More Seriously: Toward Mutual Rationality And A More Useful Law And Economics, Kenneth M. Casebeer and Charles J. Whalen
66 University of Miami Law Review 141 (2011)


Perspective: Massachusetts' Health Care Reform and Emergency Department Utilization, Christopher Chen, Gabriel Scheffler, and Amitabh Chandra
365 N Engl J Med. e25 (2011)


Critical Race Materialism: Theorizing Justice in the Wake of Global Neoliberalism, Sumi Cho and Francisco Valdes
43 Conn. L. Rev. 1513 (2011)


Federal Law in State Court: Judicial Federalism Through a Relational Lens, Charlton C. Copeland
19 Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 511 (2011)


Taking the Business Out of Work Product, Michele M. DeStefano Beardslee
80 Fordham L. Rev. 2791 (2011)