
Submissions from 2014


What Makes a Dutch Company Dutch? The Evolution of US Limitation-on-Benefits Provisions, Patricia A. Brown
62 Can. Tax J. 741 (2014)


Class Actions and Justiciability, Sergio J. Campos
66 Fla. L. Rev. 553 (2014)


The Erie-ness of the Rules, Sergio J. Campos
JOTWELL (2014)


Subaltern Voices In The Trail Of Tears: Cognition And Resistance Of The Cherokee Nation To Removal In Building American Empire, Kenneth M. Casebeer
4 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 1 (2014)


Readmission penalties and health insurance expansions: A dispatch from Massachusetts, Christopher Chen, Gabriel Scheffler, and Amitabh Chandra
9 Journal of Hospital Medicine 681 (2014)


Mentoring, teaching and Training the Next Generation of Law Librarian: Past and Present as Prologue to the Future, Michael G. Chiorazzi
106 Law Library Journal 69 (2014)


Criminalizing Revenge Porn, Danielle Citron and Mary Anne Franks
49 Wake Forest L. Rev. 345 (2014)


Roll Back "Prison Nation", Donna Coker
CUNY L. Rev. F. (2014)


"Stand Your Ground" in Context: Race, Gender, and Politics, Donna Coker
68 University of Miami Law Review 943 (2014)


Response: Means, Ends, and Institutions, Charlton C. Copeland
89 Tul. L. Rev. 369 (2014)


Abortion Distortions, Caroline Mala Corbin
71 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1175 (2014)


Compelled Disclosures, Caroline Mala Corbin
65 Ala. L. Rev. 1277 (2014)


Emotional Compelled Disclosures, Caroline Mala Corbin
127 Harv. L. Rev. Forum 357 (2014)


Pensioners, Bondholders, and Unfair Discrimination in Municipal Bankruptcy, Andrew B. Dawson
17 U. Pa. J. Bus. L. 1 (2014)


Compliance and Claim Funding: Testing the Borders of Lawyers' Monopoly and the Unauthorized Practice of Law, Michele M. DeStefano
82 Fordham L. Rev. 2961 (2014)


Creating a Culture of Compliance: Why Departmentalization May Not Be the Answer, Michele M. DeStefano
10 Hastings Bus. L.J. 71 (2014)


Claim Funders and Commercial Claim Holders: A Common Interest or a Common Problem?, Michele M. DeStefano
63 DePaul L. Rev. 305 (2014)


Bastards! . . .. And the Welfare Plantation, Zanita E. Fenton
17 J. Gender Race & Just. 9 (2014)


How to Feel Like a Woman, or Why Punishment Is a Drag, Mary Anne Franks
61 UCLA L. Rev. 566 (2014)


I Am/I Am Not: On Angela Harris's Race and Essentialism in Feminist Legal Theory, Mary Anne Franks
102 Cal. L. Rev. 1053 (2014)


Real Men Advance, Real Women Retreat: Stand Your Ground, Battered Women's Syndrome, and Violence as Male Privilege, Mary Anne Franks
68 University of Miami Law Review 1099 (2014)


Military Justice as Justice: Fitting Confrontation Clause Jurisprudence into Military Commissions, Christina Frohock
48 New Eng. L. Rev. 255 (2014)


Constructive Criticism, Patrick O. Gudridge
Articles (2014)


Representing Entities: The Value of Teaching Students How to Draft Board Resolutions and other Similar Documentation, Joan McLeod Heminway and Marcia Narine
15 Transactions: Tenn. J. Bus. L. 547 (2014)


Citizens United and Social Welfare Organizations: The Tangled Relationships among Guidance, Compliance, and Enforcement, Frances R. Hill
43 Stetson L. Rev. 539 (2014)


Cultivating Professional Identity & Creating Community: a Tale of Two Innovations, Jan L. Jacobowitz
36 UALR L. Rev. 319 (2014)


Lawyers Beware: You Are What You Post - The Case for Integrating Cultural Competence, Legal Ethics, and Social Media, Jan L. Jacobowitz
17 SMU Sci. & Tech. L. Rev. 541 (2014)


Mindful Ethics - A Pedagogical and Practical Approach to Teaching Legal Ethics, Developing Professional Identity, and Encouraging Civility, Jan L. Jacobowitz and Scott L. Rogers
4 St. Mary's J. on Legal Malpractice & Ethics 198 (2014)


The Social Media Frontier: Exploring a New Mandate for Competence in the Practice of Law, Jan L. Jacobowitz and Danielle Singer
68 University of Miami Law Review 445 (2014)


Diversity, Democracy and white Racial Identity: Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Osamudia R. James
71 NLG review 1 (2014)


White Like Me: The Negative Impact of the Diversity Rationale on White Identity Formation, Osamudia R. James
89 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 425 (2014)


Opt-Out Education: School Choice as Racial Subordination, Osamudia R. James
99 Iowa L. Rev. 1083 (2014)


"He's a Black Male … Something Is Wrong With Him!" The Role of Race in the Stand Your Ground Debate, D. Marvin Jones
68 University of Miami Law Review 1025 (2014)


Journalism Standards and "the Dark Arts": The U.K.'s Leveson Inquiry and the U.S. Media in the Age of Surveillance, Lili Levi
48 Ga. L. Rev. 907 (2014)


Symbolic Politics for Disempowered Communities: State Environmental Justice Policies, Tonya Lewis and Jessica Owley
29 BYU J. Pub. L. 183 (2014)


Magnus Magister: An Affectionate Appreciation of Armen Alchian, Fred S. McChesney
10 J.L. Econ. & Pol'y 589 (2014)


Beyond Tax Credits: Smarter Tax Policy for a Cleaner, More Democratic Energy Future, Felix Mormann
31 Yale J. on Reg. 303 (2014)


Green Go! - The Military's Sustainability Mission, Felix Mormann
JOTWELL (2014)


Mitigating the Impacts of the Renewable Energy Gold Rush, Amy Wilson Morris and Jessica Owley
15 Minn. J.L. Sci. & Tech. 293 (2014)


Green Siting for Green Energy, Amy Wilson Morris, Jessica Owley, and Emily Capello
5 Geo. Wash. J. Energy & Envtl. L. 17 (2014)


Taming a Wandering Attention: Short-form Mindfulness Training in Student Cohorts, Alexandra B. Morrison, Merissa Goolsarram, Scott L. Rogers, and Amishi P. Jha
7 Front. Hum. Neurosci. 897 (2014)


Tax Accounting Myths, George Mundstock
22 University of Miami Business Law Review 27 (2014)


Climate Change and Business law in the United States: Using Procurement, Pay, and Policy Changes to Influence Corporate Behavior, Marcia Narine
11 Eur. Company L. 141 (2014)


Concentrated Enforcement, Leigh Osofsky
16 Fla. Tax Rev. 325 (2014)


The IRS as Tax Law Nonenforcer, Leigh Osofsky
JOTWELL (2014)


Unwinding the Ceiling Rule, Leigh Osofsky
34 Va. Tax Rev. 63 (2014)


From Vacant Lots to Full Pantries: Urban Agriculture Programs and the American City, Jessica Owley and Tonya Lewis
91 U. Det. Mercy L. Rev. 233 (2014)


THE M/V "VIRGINIA G" (Panama/Guinea-Bissau). Case No. 19. 53 ILM 1164 (2014). International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, April 14, 2014., Bernard H. Oxman and Vincent P. Cogliati-Bantz
108 Am. Jl. Int'l. Law 769 (2014)


Guestworkers In Postwar America: A New History, Kunal Parker
JOTWELL (2014)


Repetition in History: Anglo-American Legal Debates and the Writings of Walter Bagehot, Kunal Parker
4 UC Irvine L. Rev. 121 (2014)


Downsides of Social Capital, Alejandro Portes
111 PNAS 18407 (2014)


The Role of Mindfulness in the Ongoing Evolution of Legal Education, Scott L. Rogers
36 UALR L. Rev. 387 (2014)


Recent Important Decisions by theBrazilian Supreme Court, Keith S. Rosenn
45 University of Miami Inter-American Law Review 297 (2014)


New Law School Fields of Study: Compliance and Risk Management, Robert Eli Rosen
JOTWELL (2014)


Unequal Access to Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: State Court Adjudication of One-Parent Cases, Kele Stewart and Meghan Johnson
16 Children's Rights Litigation Newsletter (2014)


The True Legacy of Atkins and Roper: The Unreliability Principle, Mentally Ill Defendants, and the Death Penalty's Unraveling, Scott E. Sundby
23 Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. 487 (2014)


Breaking Glass: Identity, Community and Epistemology in Theory, Law and Education, Francisco Valdes
47 U.C.D. L. Rev. 1065 (2014)


Critical Race Action: Queer Lessons and Seven Legacies from the One and Only Professor Bell, Francisco Valdes
36 W. New Eng. L. Rev. 109 (2014)


LatCrit 2013 Conference Symposium Afterword:Theorizing and Building Critical Coalitions: Outsider Society and Academic Praxis in Local/Global Justice Struggles, Francisco Valdes
12 Seattle J. for Soc. Just. 983 (2014)

Diversity and Disgrace – How the U.S. News Law School Rankings Hurt Everyone, Anthony E. Varona
38 The Harbinger (2014)


Opening the Floodgates of Small Customer Claims in FINRA Arbitration: Finra v. Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Teresa J. Verges
15 Cardozo J. Conflict Resol. 623 (2014)

Submissions from 2013


Community Education and Access to Justice in a Time of Scarcity: Notes from the West Grove Trolley Garage Case, Anthony V. Alfieri
2013 Wisconsin L. Rev. 121 (2013)


"He is the Darkey with the Glasses on": Race Trials Revisited, Anthony V. Alfieri
91 North Carolina L. Rev. 1497 (2013)


Law Firm Malpractice Disclosure: Illustrations and Guidelines, Anthony V. Alfieri
42 Hofstra L. Rev. 17 (2013)


Next Generation Civil Rights Lawyers: Race and Representation in the Age of Identity Performance, Anthony V. Alfieri and Angela Onwuachi-Willig
122 Yale L.J. 1484 (2013)


Personal Jurisdiction and Choice of Law in the Cloud, Damon C. Andrews and John M. Newman
73 Md. L. Rev. 313 (2013)


A Show Don’t Tell Lesson on Plain Language, Jill Barton
70 Clarity 41 (2013)


The Fourth Amendment in the Information Age, Ricardo J. Bascuas
1 Va. J. Crim. L. 481 (2013)


Comparative Pragmatism versus Comparative Formalism in the Abortion Context, Caroline Bettinger-López
JOTWELL (2013)


Representing Child Migrants (in the Midst of Our Border Crisis), Caroline Bettinger-López
JOTWELL (2013)


Does the Individual Mandate Coerce?, Raphael Boleslavsky and Sergio J. Campos
68 Fla. L. Rev. 1 (2013)


From Global Financial Crisis to Sovereign Debt Crisis and Beyond: What Lies Ahead for the European Monetary Union?, Caroline Bradley
22 Transnat'l L. & Contemp. Probs. 9 (2013)


Managing Global Supply Chains: Coca Cola and Sugar in Brazil, Caroline Bradley
JOTWELL (2013)


Back to the Future, Sergio J. Campos
Articles (2013)


Class Actions All the Way Down, Sergio J. Campos
113 Colum. L. Rev. SIDEBAR 20 (2013)


Community Syndicalism for the United States: Democratic Production in Resisting Hegemonic Globalization and Law, Kenneth M. Casebeer
2013 Emp. Rts. & Emp. Pol'y J. 237 (2013)


"Public ... Since Time Immemorial": the Labor History of Hague V. CIO, Kenneth M. Casebeer
66 Rutgers L. Rev. 147 (2013)


Copyright in Teams, Anthony J. Casey and Andres Sawicki
80 U. Chi. L. Rev. 1683 (2013)


Human Rights in Patient Care: A Theoretical and Practical Framework, Jonathan Cohen
15 Health and Human Rights Journal (2013)


The Contraception Mandate, Caroline Mala Corbin
107 Nw. U. L. Rev. Colloquy 1469 (2013)


Assessing Legal Advocacy to Advance Roma Health in Macedonia, Romania, and Serbia, Tamar Ezer
20 Eur. J. Health L. 471 (2013)


Human Rights in Patient Care: A Themed Issue, Tamar Ezer
15 Health and Human Rights Journal 5 (2013)


Advancing Human Rights in Patient Care through Higher Education in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Tamar Ezer and Judy Overall
15 Health and Human Rights Journal (2013)


Guantánamo Military Commissions: “Judicial Approval and Guidance”, Christina Frohock
Fall Miami L. Mag. (2013)


The Eyes of the World: Charges, Challenges, and Guantánamo Military Commissions After Hamdan II, Christina M. Frohock
3 University of Miami National Security & Armed Conflict Law Review 7 (2013)


"PETs Must Be on a Leash": How U.S. Law (and Industry Practice) Often Undermines and Even Forbids Valuable Privacy Enhancing Technology, A. Michael Froomkin
74 Ohio St. L.J. 965 (2013)


Access to Justice: Evaluating Law, Health and Human Rights Programmes in Kenya, Sofia Gruskin, Kelly Safreed-Harmon, Tamar Ezer, Anne Gathumbi, Jonathan Cohen, and Patricia Kameri-Mbote
16 Journal of the International AIDS Society (2013)


Balkan Ghosts, Patrick O. Gudridge
JOTWELL (2013)


Future Present?, Patrick O. Gudridge
JOTWELL (2013)


A Match Made on Earth: Getting Real about Science and the Law, Susan Haack
36 Dalhousie L.J. 39 (2013)


Exempt Entities as Government Contractors: Regulation Through Cooperative Federalism, Frances R. Hill
Articles (2013)


The Benefits of Mindfulness for Litigators, Jan L. Jacobowitz
39 Litigation 27 (2013)


Fidelity Diluted: Client Confidentiality Gives Way to the First Amendment & Social Media in Virginia State Bar, ex rel. Third District Committee v. Horace Frazier Hunter, Jan L. Jacobowitz and Kelly Rains Jesson
36 Campbell L. Rev. 75 (2013)


Something of Race Remains: Identity in Public Education, Osamudia R. James
2 Miami L. Mag 27 (2013)


The Conventional Option, Gregory Koger and Sergio J. Campos
91 Wash. U. L. Rev. 867 (2013)


Doing the Math (and the English) in the Windfall Tax Cases, Stanley I. Langbein
42 Tax Manag. Int. J. 134 (2013)


PPL, the Foreign Tax Credit, and the Gitlitz “Finger” Principle, Stanley I. Langbein
42 Tax Manag. Int. J. 599 (2013)


Protecting Elites: An Alternative Take on How United States V. Jones Fits into the Court's Technology Jurisprudence, Tamara Rice Lave
14 N.C. J.L. & Tech. 461 (2013)


Shoot to Kill: A Critical Look at Stand Your Ground Laws, Tamara Rice Lave
67 University of Miami Law Review 827 (2013)


Do Sexually Violent Predator Laws Violate Double Jeopardy or Substantive Due Process? An Empirical Inquiry, Tamara Rice Lave and Justin McCrary
78 Brook. L. Rev. 1391 (2013)