Books and Book Chapters | Faculty and Deans | University of Miami Law School


Submissions from 2015

Where the Law Lies: The Costs of Constitutional Fictions, Mary Anne Franks
Law and Lies: Deception and Truth-Telling in the American Legal System (2015)

Pseudonyms by Another Name : Identity Management in a Time of Surveillance, A. Michael Froomkin
Privacy in the Modern Age : the Search for Solutions (2015)

Evidence: A Problem, Lecture and Discussion Approach, Michael H. Graham

Graham's Exam Pro on Evidence, Essay Questions, Michael H. Graham

Graham's Exam Pro on Evidence, Objective, Michael H. Graham

Graham's Federal Rules of Evidence in a Nutshell, Michael H. Graham

Legalizzare l'Epistemologia: Prova, Probabilità e Causa nel Diritto, Susan Haack

Perspectivas Pragmatistas da Filosofia do Dereito, Susan Haack

Drugs, Crime, and Prisons in Guatemala, Tamara Rice Lave
Prisons in the Americas in the Twenty- First Century: A Human Dumping Ground (2015)

Giving Up on the Human Right to Work, James W. Nickel
The Right to Work: Legal and Philosophical Perspectives (2015)

Goals and Rights : Working Together?, James W. Nickel
The Millennium Development Goals and Human Rights : Past, Present and Future (2015)

Ideal and Nonideal Theory, James W. Nickel
The Cambridge Rawls Lexicon (2015)

Personal Deserts and Human Rights, James W. Nickel
Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights (2015)

Approaches to the Study of Law as a Social Phenomenon: Legal History, Kunal Parker
The Handbook of Law and Society (2015)

Making Foreigners: Immigration and Citizenship Law in America, 1600 - 2000, Kunal Parker

Binge Development in the Age of Fear: Scarcity, Consumption, Inequality and the Environmental Crisis, Ileana Porras
International Law and Its Discontents : Confronting Crises (2015)

Fitzgerald v. NITA & Western Railroad, Laurence M. Rose

The Federative Republic of Brazil: Introductory to the Amendments, 1992-2015, Keith S. Rosenn
Oxford Constitutions of the World (2015)

Relative Care Within a Public Health Paradigm, Kele Stewart
IMPACT: Collected Essays on the Threat of Economic Inequality (2015)

A Life and Death Decision: A Jury Weighs the Death Penalty, Scott E. Sundby

Critical Race Theory, Francisco Valdes
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in Contemporary Politics, Law, and Social Movements (2015)

Helms-Burton Act, Francisco Valdes
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in Contemporary Politics, Law, and Social Movements (2015)

Latino/a Political, Community and Social Organizing, Anthony E. Varona
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in Contemporary Politics, Law, and Social Movements (2015)


Library Director as Educator: Analysis Two, Case Analysis and Commentary, Sally H. Wise
Academic Law Library Director Perspectives: Case Studies and Insights (2015)

Submissions from 2014

The Handbook for the New Legal Writer, Jill Barton and Rachel H. Smith

Agency Theory and Incentive Compensation, William Wilson Bratton
Research Handbook on Executive Pay (2014)

Fifty Years of Tax Uncertainty: The Problem of International Neutrality for Collective Investment Vehicles, Patricia A. Brown
The Tax Treatment of Collective Investment Vehicles and Real Estate Investment Trusts (2014)

Small-Town GTMO: The Layers of Estate, Sovereignty, and Soil in U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Christina M. Frohock

Federal Practice and Procedure, Vols. 30B and 30C, Supplement 2014, Michael H. Graham
Federal Practice and Procedure (2014)

Asuntos Arriesgados : Sobre la Prueba Estadística de la Causación Específica, Susan Haack
Causalidad y Atribución de Responsabilidad (2014)

Evidence Matters : Science, Proof, and Truth in the Law, Susan Haack

Taxation of Exempt Organizations, Frances R. Hill and Douglas M. Mancino
Taxation of Exempt Organizations Supplement 2014 (2014)

Minority-Targeted Aid in Higher Education, Osamudia R. James
Controversies in Affirmative Action (2014)

Mindfulness Training in High Stress Professions: Strengthening Attention and Resilience, Amishi P. Jha, Scott L. Rogers, and Alexandra B. Morrison
Mindfulness-Based Treatment Approaches : Clinician's Guide to Evidence Base and Applications (2014)

Elected Leader or Sun King? The Supreme Court Decides whether the President is above the Law in United States v Nixon, Tamara Rice Lave
Cases That Changed Our Lives Volume 2 (2014)

Griffin on Human Rights to Liberty, James W. Nickel
Griffin on Human Rights (2014)

Human Rights and the Challenge of Cultural Diversity, James W. Nickel
Philosophy of Law (2014)

The Idea of Arbitration, Jan Paulsson

Liberal Cosmopolitanism or Cosmopolitan Liberalism?, Ileana Porras
Parochialism, Cosmopolitanism, and the Foundations of International Law (2014)

Judicial Review in Latin America, Keith S. Rosenn
Volume IV Classics in Comparative Law, Vol 4 -- Public Law (2014)

Jurisdiction and Review, Craig J. Trocino
Florida Appellate Practice, 9th ed. (2014)

Pieces of the Past: Repatriation and Collaborative Agreements Introduction: Recent Agreements Between U.S. Museums and Foreign Countries, Stephen K. Urice and Mia Logan
Legal Issues in Museum Administration (2014)

Submissions from 2013

The Contributions of Human Rights Struggles: A Comment, David Abraham
Toward a New Moral World Order? Menschenrechtspolitik und Völkerrecht seit 1945 (2013)

Fidelity to Community: A Defense of Community Lawyering, Anthony V. Alfieri
Critical Race Theory: The Cutting Edge (2013)

The Story of Wanrow: The Reasonable Woman and the Law of Self-Defense, Donna K. Coker and Lindsay C. Harrison
Criminal Law Stories (2013)

Criminal Law Stories, Donna Coker (ed.) and Robert Weisberg (ed.)

Disabling Racial Repetition, Zanita E. Fenton
Righting Educational Wrongs: Disability Studies in Law and Education 174 (2013)

ICANN and the Domain Name System After the 'Affirmation of Commitments', A. Michael Froomkin
Research Handbook on Governance of the Internet 27 (2013)

Antitrust Law : Interpretation and Implementation, Charles J. Goetz, Fred S. McChesney, and Thomas A. Lambert

Emergency, Legality, Sovereignty: Birmingham, 1963, Patrick O. Gudridge
Sovereignty, Emergency, Legality (2013)

Das Pluralistische Universum des Rechts : Hin Zu Einem Neoklassischen Rechtspragmatismus, Susan Haack
Die Gegenwart des Pragmatismus (2013)

El Probabilismo Jurídico : Una Disensión Epistemológica, Susan Haack
Estándares de Prueba y Prueba Científica : Ensayos de Epistemología Jurídica (2013)

Putting Philosophy to Work: Inquiry and Its Place in Culture -- Essays on Science, Religion, Law, Literature, and Life, Susan Haack

Tensiones Entre la Ciencia y la Cultura de Derecho, con Énfasis en el Testimonio Científico, Susan Haack
Proceso Judicial y Cultura : Una Mirada Global (2013)

Fear of a Hip- Hop Planet: America’s New Dilemma, D. Marvin Jones

Investigative Criminal Procedure: a Contemporary Approach, 2d, Sam Kamin and Ricardo J. Bascuas

Cases and Materials on Social Justice: Professionals, Communities and Law, 2d., Martha R. Mahoney, John O. Calmore, and Stephanie M. Wildman

Restraining Orders, Liberty, and Due Process, James W. Nickel
Prevention and the Limits of the Criminal Law (2013)

Homage to Judge Tullio Treves, Bernard H. Oxman
International courts and the development of international law : essays in honour of Tullio Treves (2013)

Separate and Dissenting Opinions and Their Absence: A Window on Decision-Making in the Tribunal, Bernard H. Oxman
Regions, Institutions, and Law of the Sea : Studies in Ocean Governance (2013)

The Constitution, Citizenship, and Immigration in American History, 1790-2000, Kunal Parker

Realising Cultural Heritage Law: Festschrift for Patrick O’Keefe, Lyndel V. Prott (ed), Ruth Redmond-Cooper (ed), and Stephen K. Urice (ed)

Cultural Property Roundtable: Updates and Case Studies, Stephen K. Urice
Legal Issues in Museum Administration (2013)

Recent Issues in Authentication, Stephen K. Urice, Robert Hallman, and Philippa Loengrad
Legal Issues in Museum Administration (2013)

Bringing Society to Law: A Critically Raced Accounting, Francisco Valdes
Exploring the 'Socio' of Socio-Legal Studies (2013)

Uniform Commercial Code: Article 1 & Article 2 (based on the laws of Nebraska), William H. Widen

Submissions from 2012

Generalisations and Evidential Reasoning, Terence J. Anderson
Evidence, Inference and Enquiry (2012)

Reforming Securities Law Enforcement: Politics and Money at the Public/Private Divide, William Wilson Bratton and Michael Wachter
Regulatory Breakdown: The Crisis of Confidence in U.S. Regulation (2012)

The Debt-Equity Conundrum, Patricia A. Brown

USA : Savary v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue: the Source of Double Taxation, Patricia A. Brown and Jason T. Young
Tax Treaty Case Law Around the Globe (2012)

Expanding the Bob Jones Compromise, Caroline Mala Corbin
Legal Responses to Religious Practices in the United States : Accommodation and Its Limits (2012)

Healthcare and Immigration: Understanding the Connections, Maria Patricia Fernandez-Kelly and Alejandro Portes

Addressing "Libel Tourism", Lili Levi
Transnational Culture in the Internet Age (2012)

Federal Taxation of Property Transactions, Elliott Manning and David L. Cameron

Mergers and the Market for Corporate Control, Fred S. McChesney

Philosophical Issues in International Environmental Law, James W. Nickel and Daniel McGraw
Environmental Rights (2012)

Use of Conservation Easements by Local Governments, Jessica Owley
Greening Local Government : Legal Strategies for Promoting Sustainability, Efficiency, and Fiscal Savings (2012)

Historicising Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England: Difference and Sameness in Historical Time, Kunal Parker
Law Books in Action: Essays on the Anglo-American Legal Treatise (2012)

Las Instituciones en Colombia: Un Analisis Sociologico, Alejandro Portes and Cesar A. Rodriguez Garavito

Sociologia Economica de las Migraciones Internacionales, Alejandro Portes and Lorenzo Cachon Rodriguez

Institutions Count: Their Role and Significance in Latin American Development, Alejandro Portes and Lori D. Smith

Mindfulness & Professional Responsibility : A Guidebook for Integrating Mindfulness Into the Law School Curriculum, Scott L. Rogers and Jan L. Jacobowitz

Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil -- 5 October 1988, as amended to 2012, Keith S. Rosenn
Constitutions of the Countries of the World (2012)

Law School Exams: A Guide to Better Grades, Alex Schimel

Special Collections, Stephen K. Urice and Carol R. Butler
Legal Issues in Museum Administration (2012)

Gift Restriction Case Law Overview: Interpreting Gift Restrictions, Stephen K. Urice, Lawrence Rothfeld, William Bucciero, and John Sare
Legal Issues in Museum Administration (2012)

Submissions from 2011

The Citizen-Alien Distinction and the Global War on Terrorism, David Abraham and Tung Yin
Democratic Citizenship and War (2011)

American Labor Struggles and Law Histories, Kenneth M. Casebeer

State-Enabled Violence: the Story of Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales, Zanita E. Fenton
Women and the Law Stories (2011)

The Justification of Deduction, Susan Haack
Thinking About Logic: Classic Essays (2011)

Investigative Criminal Procedure: a Contemporary Approach, Sam Kamin and Ricardo J. Bascuas

Federal Tax Accounting, Michael B. Lang, Elliott Manning, and Mona L. Hymel

Federal Individual, Corporate and Partnership Income Tax, George Mundstock and Kyle Siebrecht

Crimes at Sea and Trafficking of Weapons of Mass Destruction : General Report, Bernard Oxman
The Exercise of Jurisdiction Over Vessels : New Developments in the Fields of Pollution, Fisheries, Crimes at Sea and Trafficking of Weapons of Mass Destruction (2011)

Idealism and the Study of International Law, Bernard Oxman
Recueil des cours de l'Académie de droit international de la Haye (2011)

On Rocks and Maritime Delimitation, Bernard Oxman
Looking to the Future : Essays on International Law in Honor of W. Michael Reisman (2011)

Crimes at Sea and Trafficking of Weapons of Mass Destruction : General Report, Bernard H. Oxman
The Exercise of Jurisdiction Over Vessels : New Developments in the Fields of Pollution, Fisheries, Crimes at Sea and Trafficking of Weapons of Mass Destruction (2011)

Idealism and the Study of International Law, Bernard H. Oxman
Recueil des Cours de l'Académie de Droit International de la Haye (2011)

On Rocks and Maritime Delimitation, Bernard H. Oxman
Looking to the Future : Essays on International Law in Honor of W. Michael Reisman (2011)

Common Law, History, and Democracy in America, 1790-1900: Legal Thought Before Modernism, Kunal Parker