Books and Book Chapters | Faculty and Deans | University of Miami Law School


Submissions from 2011

Thinking Simply About Public Policy, Jan Paulsson
Liber Amicorum: Mélanges en l'honneur de Serge Lazareff (2011)

The Freshfields Guide to Arbitration Clauses in International Contracts, Jan Paulsson, Nigel Rowding, and Lucy Reed

Foreword to Selznick's Leadership in Administration, Robert E. Rosen
Philip Selznick, Leadership in Administration: A Sociological Interpretation (2011)

Submissions from 2010

Work Law in American Society, Kenneth M. Casebeer and Gary Minda

Reflections on the Theme of the Oceans in the Nuclear Age, Bernard Oxman
The Oceans in the Nuclear Age : Legacies and Risks (2010)

Reflections on the Theme of the Oceans in the Nuclear Age, Bernard H. Oxman
The Oceans in the Nuclear Age : Legacies and Risks (2010)

Cultural Differences in Advocacy in International Arbitration, Jan Paulsson
The Art of Advocacy in International Arbitration (2010)

Scholarship as Law, Jan Paulsson
Looking to the Future: Essays on International Law in Honor of W. Michael Reisman (2010)

The Role of Precedent in Investment Arbitration, Jan Paulsson
Arbitration under International Investment Agreements: A Guide to the Key Issues (2010)

Guide to ICSID Arbitration, Jan Paulsson, Lucy Reed, and Nigel Blackaby

Administrative Law: A Contemporary Approach, Andrew F. Popper, Gwendolyn McKee, Anthony E. Varona, and Philip J. Harter

Conflict Resolution and Constitutionalism: The Making of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, Keith S. Rosenn
Framing the State in Times of Transition: Case Studies in Constitution Making (2010)

Rejecting the Culture of Independence: Corporate Lawyers as Committed to their Clients, Robert E. Rosen
52 Studies in Law, Politics and Society, Special Issue: Law Firms, Legal Culture, and Legal Practice (2010)

Legal Language and Social Change during Colombia’s Economic Crisis, Pablo Rueda-Saiz
Cultures of Legality: Judicialization and Political Activism in Latin America (2010)

Deaccessioning: A Few Observations, Stephen K. Urice
Legal Issues in Museum Administration (2010)

Deaccessioning: Selected Policies, Stephen K. Urice, Henry Lanman, and Steven J. Knerly
Legal Issues in Museum Administration (2010)

Space Security Lessons from "Terrestrial" Arms Control, Richard L. Williamson Jr.
Prospects for Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures in Space (2010)

International Commercial Arbitration Practice in the United States, Richard L. Williamson Jr., John H. Rooney, Sandra Friedrich, and Judith A. Freeberg
International Commercial Arbitration Practice: 21st Century Perspectives (2010)

Submissions from 2009

An Anatomy of Corporate Legal Theory, William Wilson Bratton
Law & Economics: Towards Social Justice (2009)

Cleary & Graham's Handbook of Illinois Evidence, Edward W. Cleary and Michael H. Graham

'Fists and the Voices of Sorrowful Women': Race, Gender, and the Reconstruction of the Word in Toni Morrison's Jazz, Charlton C. Copeland
African American Culture and Legal Discourse (2009)

The Eighteenth Amendment, Steven Diamond
The Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution (2009)

The Twenty-First Amendment, Steven Diamond
The Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution (2009)

Anonymity and the Law in the USA, A. Michael Froomkin
Lessons From the Identity Trail : Anonymity, Privacy and Identity in a Networked Society (2009)

Identity Cards and Identity Romanticism, A. Michael Froomkin
Lessons From the Identity Trail : Anonymity, Privacy and Identity in a Networked Society (2009)

Evidence and Inquiry : a Pragmatist Reconstruction of Epistemology, Susan Haack

Truth and Progress in the Sciences: an Innocent Realist Perspective, Susan Haack
Truth : Studies of a Robust Presence (2009)

Closing the Door on Public School Integration : Parents Involved and the Supreme Court's Continued Neglect of Adequacy Concerns, Osamudia R. James
Our Promise: Achieving Educational Equity for America's Children (2009)

"Been in The Storm So Long" : Katrina, Reparations, and the Original Understanding of Equal Protection, D. Marvin Jones
Hurricane Katrina: America's Unnatural Disaster (2009)

Mindfulness for Law Students: Using the Power of Mindful Awareness to Achieve Balance and Success in Law School, Scott L. Rogers

The Six-Minute Solution: A Mindfulness Primer for Lawyers, Scott L. Rogers

Law as Justice : the Moral Imperative of Owen Fiss's Scholarship, Irwin P. Stotzky

Why the Downturn in Death Sentences?, Scott E. Sundby and William J. Bowers
The Future of America's Death Penalty (2009)

Provenance Research: Ethical and Legal Implications for Museums, Stephen K. Urice
Legal Issues in Museum Administration (2009)

Submissions from 2008

Financial Trade Associations and Multilevel Regulations, Caroline Bradley
Multilevel Regulation and the EU (2008)

Preventing Looting After Armed Combat : the Way Forward for U.S. Nongovernmental Cultural Heritage Organizations, Bonnie Burnham and Stephen K. Urice
Antiquities Under Siege: Cultural Heritage Protection After the Iraq War (2008)

Ripeness, Charlton C. Copeland
Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States (2008)

The Repeal Program, Steven Diamond
Social and Economic Control of Alcohol: The 21st Amendment in the 21st Century (2008)

Large Scale Ecosystem Restoration, Mary Doyle and Cynthia A. Drew

The Uneasy Case for National ID Cards, A. Michael Froomkin
Securing Privacy in the Internet Age (2008)

Ciencia, Sociedad y Cultura: Ensayos Escogidos, Susan Haack

Putting Philosophy to Work : Inquiry and Its Place in Culture - Essays on Science, Religion, Law, Literature, and Life, Susan Haack

Progressive Era Immigration and Naturalization, Kunal M. Parker
Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States (2008)

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Law (1800 - 1924): Resolutions of Membership and Territory, Kunal M. Parker
The Cambridge History of Law in America (2008)

The Brazilian Jeito and Implications for the Rule of Law, Keith S. Rosenn
Regel und Abweichung : Strategie und Strategeme : Chinesische Listenlehre im Interdisziplinären Dialog (2008)

Submissions from 2007

The Boundaries and Bonds of Citizenship: Recognition and Redistribution in the United States, Germany and Israel, David Abraham
Migration in History (2007)

"Hebrew with a Cuban Accent" : Jewbans in the Diaspora, Caroline Bettinger-López
Cuba: Idea of a Nation Displaced (2007)

International Union, U.A.W. v. Johnson Controls: The History of Litigation Alliances and Mobilization to Challenge Fetal Protection Policies, Caroline Bettinger-López
Civil Rights Stories (2007)

Whither Hostility?, William Wilson Bratton
Corporate Governance and Regulatory Impact on Mergers and Acquisitions: Research and Analysis on Activity Worldwide Since 1990 (2007)

At Will Eployment, Kenneth M. Casebeer
Encyclopedia of U.S. Labor and Working Class History (2007)

NLRB v. Fansteel Metallurgical Corp., Kenneth M. Casebeer
Encyclopedia of U.S. Labor and Working Class History (2007)

Evidence: An Introductory Problem Approach, Michael H. Graham

Susan Haack : a Lady of Distinctions : the Philosopher Responds to Critics, Susan Haack

Law, Ethics and the Visual Arts, John Henry Merryman, Stephen K. Urice, and Albert E. Elsen

When Theory, Practice, and Policy Collide, or Why Do Archaeologists Support Cultural Property Claims?, Stephen K. Urice
Archaeology and Capitalism : From Ethics to Politics (2007)

Submissions from 2006

Immigration and Citizenship, David Abraham
Toward the Completion of Europe (2006)

Virtual Worlds, Real Rules : Using Virtual Worlds to Test Legal Rules, Caroline Bradley and A. Michael Froomkin
The State of Play: Law, Games, and Virtual Worlds (2006)

Institutional Shareholder Activism and Corporate Governance, William Wilson Bratton
VOC 1602-2002 400 years of Company Law (2006)

Rules, Principles, and the Accounting Crisis in the United States, William Wilson Bratton
After Enron: Improving Corporate Law and Modernising Securities Regulation in Europe and the US (2006)

An-aesthetic Theory: Adorno, Sexuality, and Memory, Mary Anne Franks
Feminist Interpretations of Theodor Adorno (2006)

(Porno)Graphic Descriptions: Manufacturing an Erotics of Identity, Mary Anne Franks
Image Into Identity (2006)

Winning Evidence Arguments: Advanced Evidence for the Trial Attorney, Michael H. Graham

Not Cynicism, but Synechism : Lessons From Classical Pragmatism, Susan Haack
A Companion to Pragmatism (2006)

Pragmatism Old & New: Selected Writings, Susan Haack

Toward Progressive Conceptions of Black Manhood: LatCrit and Critical Race Feminist Reflections: Thought Piece, May 2001, Elizabeth M. Iglesias
Progressive Black Masculinities (2006)

Federal Tax Accounting, Michael B. Lang, Elliott Manning, and Steven J. Willis

International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: Treaties, Cases, and Analysis, Francisco Forrest Martin, Stephen J. Schnably, Richard Wilson, Jonathan Simon, and Mark Tushnet

A Finance Approach to Accounting for Lawyers, George Mundstock

A Unified Approach to Subchapters K & S, George Mundstock

Federalism in Brazil, Keith S. Rosenn
O Direito Internacional Contemporâneo : Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Jacob Dolinger (2006)

A Few Good (and Angry) Men (and Woman), Robert E. Rosen
Screening Justice - The Cinema of Law, Significant Films of Law, Order and Social Justice (2006)

Are Judges Political? An Empirical Analysis of the Federal Judiciary, Cass R. Sunstein, David Schkade, Lisa M. Ellman, and Andres Sawicki

Submissions from 2005

(Er)Race-ing an Ethic of Justice, Anthony V. Alfieri
Lawyers' Ethics and the Pursuit of Social Justice: A Critical Reader (2005)

Race, Community, and Criminal Justice, Anthony V. Alfieri
Race, Culture, Psychology, & Law (2005)

Analysis of Evidence, Terence J. Anderson, David Schum, and William Twining

Work Law in American Society, Kenneth M. Casebeer and Gary Minda

Prestatehood Legal Materials: A Guide to the Fifty States, Including the District of Columbia and New York City, Michael G. Chiorazzi and Marguerite Most

International and National Regulation of the Internet, A. Michael Froomkin
The Round Table Expert Group on Telecommunications Law : Conference Papers (2005)

Staying for an Answer: The Untidy Process of Groping for Truth, Susan Haack
Theory's Empire : an Anthology of Dissent (2005)

Race, Sex, and Suspicion: The Myth of the Black Male, D. Marvin Jones

Denial of Justice in International Law, Jan Paulsson

Opinion in The Barnes Foundation, No. 58,788 (PA Ct. of Common Pleas, Montgomery Cty., Orphans Ct. Div., Dec. 13, 2004), Stephen K. Urice
Legal problems of museum administration (2005)

Submissions from 2004

Controlled Exposures: Coubert’s L’Origine du Monde and the Woman-Thing, Mary Anne Franks
Exposure Revealing Bodies, Unveiling Representations (2004)

Von Sex und anderen Akten, Mary Anne Franks
Über Žižek: Perspektiven und Kritiken (2004)

Technologies for Democracy, A. Michael Froomkin
Democracy Online : the Prospects for Political Renewal Through the Internet (2004)

Affinity Media: Nonprofits and Hard News, Frances R. Hill
News in the Public Interest : a Free and Subsidized Press : the Breaux Symposium, March 20, 2004 (2004)

Ejecting an Inside: An Essay on the Politics of the Contemporary American Immigration State, Kunal M. Parker
Critical Beings: Law, Nation and the Global Subject (2004)

Thinking Space, Thinking Community: Lessons from Early American "Immigration" History, Kunal M. Parker
Repositioning American Migration History: New Directions in Modern Continental Migration, Citizenship, and Community (2004)

Lessons Learned and the Way Forward, Irwin P. Stotzky
Democratization and the Judiciary : the Accountability Function of Courts in New Democracies (2004)

External constraints on museum authority, Stephen K. Urice
Legal problems of museum administration (2004)

Submissions from 2003

Wigmore Meets "The Last Wedge", Terence J. Anderson
Evidence and Inference in History and Law: Interdisciplinary Dialogues (2003)

Anonymity in the Balance, A. Michael Froomkin
Digital Anonymity and the Law : Tensions and Dimensions (2003)

Defending Science -- Within Reason : Between Scientism and Cynicism, Susan Haack

Cases and Materials on Social Justice: Professionals, Communities and Law, Martha R. Mahoney, John O. Calmore, and Stephanie M. Wildman

Submissions from 2002

Defending racial violence, Anthony V. Alfieri
Bold Beginnings, Bright Tomorrows 1 (2002)

Law Library Collection Development in the Digital Age, Michael Chiorazzi and Gordon Russell


Transformative Justice: Anti-Subordination Processes in Cases of Domestic Violence, Donna K. Coker
Restorative Justice and Family Violence (2002)

Efficiency and Benevolence: Philantropic Tax Exemption in 19th Century America, Steven Diamond
Property Tax Exemption For Charities: Mapping the Battlefield (2002)

A Unified Approach to Subchapters K & S, George Mundstock

The Legal System of Brazil, Keith S. Rosenn
Legal Systems of the World : A Political, Social, and Cultural Encyclopedia (2002)