Books and Book Chapters | Faculty and Deans | University of Miami Law School


Submissions from 2002

Democracy and International Military Intervention: The Case of Haiti, Irwin P. Stotzky
Democracy and Human Rights in Latin America (2002)

Crossroads, Directions and A New Critical Race Theory, Francisco Valdes, Jerome McCristal Culp, and Angela P. Harris

Submissions from 2001

Fiscal Federalism, Jurisdictional Competition, and Tax Coordination: Translating Theory to Policy in the European Union, William Wilson Bratton and Joseph K. McCahery
Regulatory Competition and Economic Integration: Comparative Perspectives (2001)

Restructuring the Relationship between Shareholders and Managers, William Wilson Bratton and Joseph K. McCahery
Herpositionering Van Ondernemingen (2001)

International Regulatory Competition and Coordination : Perspectives on Economic Regulation in Europe and the United States, William Wilson Bratton, Joseph McCahery, Sol Piccioto, and Colin Scott

Pirates, Dragons, and U.S. Intellectual Property Rights in China : Problems and Prospects of Chinese Enforcement, Glenn R. Butterton
The Conflict and Culture Reader (2001)

International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration, W. Laurence Craig, William W. Park, and Jan Paulsson

Obscene Supplements, or, What We Talk About When We Talk About Death, Mary Anne Franks
Postmodern Productions (2001)

Internet Governance: The ICANN Experiment (or, Three Paradoxes in Search of a Paradigm), A. Michael Froomkin
La Libertad De Información : Gobierno y Arquitectura De Internet (2001)

Semi-Private International Rulemaking: Lessons Learned From the WIPO Domain Name Process, A. Michael Froomkin
Regulating the Global Information Society (2001)

Federal Income Taxation of Banks and Financial Institutions, Stanley I. Langbein

Financial Institution Acquisitions and Alliances, Stanley I. Langbein and Stephen I. Glover

Colonialism, Nationalism and Gendered Legal Subjectivities: Historical Observations on the Destruction of Separate Legal Regimes, Kunal M. Parker
Religion and Personal Law in Secular India: A Call to Judgment (2001)

Inside Counsel, Robert E. Rosen
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (2001)

Florida Evidentiary Foundations, Lee D. Schinasi, Michael H. Graham, and Edward J. Imwinkelried

Submissions from 2000

Reconstructive Poverty Law Practice: Learning Lessons of Client Narrative, Anthony V. Alfieri
Critical Race Theory: The Cutting Edge 600 (2000)

Cuban-Jewish Journeys: Searching for Identity, Home, and History in Miami, Caroline Bettinger-López

Corporate Law, William Wilson Bratton

Speculative Microeconomics for Tomorrow's Economy, J. Bradford DeLong and A. Michael Froomkin
Internet Publishing and Beyond : the Economics of Digital Information and Intellectual Property (2000)

Internet's International Regulation: Emergence and Enforcement, A. Michael Froomkin
Évolution des systèmes juridiques, bijuridisme et commerce international / The Evolution of Legal Systems, Bijuralism and International Trade (2000)

The Bank Income Tax Return Manual, Stanley I. Langbein

Constitutionalism and Democratic Government in the Inter-American System, Stephen J. Schnably
Democratic Governance and International Law (2000)

Submissions from 1999

Evolution and Efficiency of the US Limited Liability Company, William Wilson Bratton and Joseph K. McCahery
Personenvennootschap en “Onderneming”: Over Persoonsgebonden Ondernemingen en Titel (1999)

The Pragmatist Theory of Truth, Susan Haack
Metaphysics: Contemporary Readings (1999)

A Finance Approach to Accounting for Lawyers, George Mundstock

Partnerships, George Mundstock
The Encyclopedia of Taxation and Tax Policy (1999)

The Freshfields Guide to Arbitration and ADR : Clauses in International Contracts, Jan Paulsson

Corruption and Political Reform in Brazil : the Impact of Collor's Impeachment, Keith S. Rosenn and Richard Downes

Shaming Penalties and Social Forgiveness Deficits, Robert E. Rosen
60 Maal Recht en 1 Maal Wijn: Liber Amicorum Prof. Dr. Jean Van Houtte (1999)

Jurisprudencia Constitucional y el Conflicto Armado Colombiano, Pablo Rueda-Saiz
Derecho Constitucional: Perspectivas Críticas (1999)

Creating the Conditions for Democracy, Irwin P. Stotzky
Deliberative Democracy and Human Rights (1999)

Submissions from 1998

A Foundherentist Theory of Empirical Justification, Susan Haack
The Theory of Knowledge: Classical and Contemporary Readings (1998)

Descriptive and Revisionary Metaphysics, Susan Haack
Contemporary Readings in the Foundations of Metaphysics (1998)

Manifesto of a Passionate Moderate: Unfashionable Essays, Susan Haack

Maternal Power and the Deconstruction of Male Supremacy, Elizabeth M. Iglesias
The Latino/a Condition : a Critical Reader (1998)

O Jeito Na Cultura Juridica Brasileira, Keith S. Rosenn

Silencing the Guns in Haiti : the Promise of Deliberative Democracy, Irwin P. Stotzky

Submissions from 1997

Digital Signatures Today, A. Michael Froomkin
Financial Cryptography (1997)

Internet as a Source of Regulatory Arbitrage, A. Michael Froomkin
Borders in Cyberspace (1997)

Courtroom Evidence: A Teaching Commentary, Michael H. Graham

Illinois Evidentiary Foundations, Michael H. Graham

Structures of Subordination: Women of Color at the Intersection of Title VII and the NLRA. Not!, Elizabeth M. Iglesias
Critical Race Feminism: A Reader (1997)

The Curse of Ham, D. Marvin Jones
Critical White Studies: Looking Behind the Mirror (1997)

Devils, Lawyers and Salvation Lie in the Details: Deontological Legal Ethics, Issue Conflicts of Interest and Civic Education in Law Schools, Robert E. Rosen
Ethical Challenges To Legal Education and Conduct (1997)

Submissions from 1996

The Battles of Hastings : Four Stories in Search of a Meaning, Terence J. Anderson

Repeated Games, Social Norms, and Incomplete Corporate Contracts, William Wilson Bratton, Morten Hviid, and Joseph K. McCahery
Aspects of Fairness in Contract (1996)

Regulatory Competition as Regulatory Capture: The Case of Corporate Law in the USA, William Wilson Bratton and Joseph K. McCahery
International Regulatory Competition and Coordination: Perspectives on Economic Regulation in Europe and the United States (1996)

Law Librarianship: Historical Perspectives, Laura N. Gasaway and Michael G. Chiorazzi

Handbook of Florida Evidence, Michael H. Graham and Robert S. Glazier

Carnap's Aufbau: Some Kantian Reflections, Susan Haack
The Emergence of Logical Empiricism, from 1900 to the Vienna Circle (1996)

Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic: Beyond the Formalism, Susan Haack

Brazil: Constitutions, Keith S. Rosenn
Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture (1996)

Brazil: Electoral Reform Legislation, Keith S. Rosenn
Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture (1996)

Judicial Systems: Brazil, Keith S. Rosenn
Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture (1996)

Right of Access and the Right to Exclude: The Case of Homelessness, Stephen J. Schnably
Property Law on the Threshold of the 21st Century (1996)

Submissions from 1995

The Constitutionality of Mandatory Key Escrow, A. Michael Froomkin
Building in Big Brother: The Cryptographic Policy Debate (1995)

Choosing the Business Entity, Elliott Manning

Corporate Buy-Sell Agreements, Elliott Manning

Comparação dos Aspectos Jurídicos do MERCOSUL e do NAFTA, Keith S. Rosenn
Anais do I Encontro Internacional de Fiscalização do Mercosul (1995)

Haiti: Searching for Alternatives, Irwin P. Stotzky
Impunity and Human Rights in International Law and Practice (1995)

Submissions from 1994

"Dry Truth and Real Knowledge": Epistemologies of Metaphors and Metaphors of Epistemology, Susan Haack
Aspects of Metaphor (1994)

Federal and State Taxation of Exempt Organizations, Frances R. Hill, Barbara L. Kirsten, and Rob Atkinson

Submissions from 1993

Public Values, Private Business, and U.S. Corporate Fiduciary Law, William Wilson Bratton
Corporate Control and Accountability (1993)

Brudney and Chirelstein's Cases and Materials on Corporate Finance, Victor Brudney and William Wilson Bratton

Evidence and Inquiry: Towards Reconstruction in Epistemology, Susan Haack

Designing the Institutional And Legal Structure of Prosecutorial Power in the Transition to Democracy, Elizabeth M. Iglesias
Transition to Democracy in Latin America: the Role of the Judiciary (1993)

Comparación de la Protección de los Derechos Individuales en las Nuevas Constituciones Latinoamericanas de Colombia y Brasil, Keith S. Rosenn
La Carta de Derechos : Su Interpretación y Sus Implicaciones (1993)

The judicial process in context, Stephen J. Schnably
Transition to democracy in Latin America : the role of the judiciary (1993)

Transition to Democracy in Latin America : the Role of the Judiciary, Irwin P. Stotzky

Constitutions, constitutionalism and constitution-mongering, William Twining
Transition to democracy in Latin America : the role of the judiciary (1993)

Submissions from 1992

The Workers' Unemployment Insurance Bill : American social wage, labor organization, and legal ideology, Kenneth M. Casebeer
Labor Law in America : Historical and Critical Essays (1992)

A Panorama of Brazilian Law, Jacob Dolinger and Keith S. Rosenn

Submissions from 1991

Analysis of Evidence : How to Do Things with Facts, Based on Wigmore's Science of Judicial Proof, Terence J. Anderson, William Twinning, and John Henry Wigmore

Foreign Investment in Brazil, Keith S. Rosenn

Submissions from 1990

Rebuilding the Ship While Sailing on the Water, Susan Haack
Perspectives on Quine (1990)

Florida Keystone : Lawyer's Desk Library of Practice, M. Minnette Massey

Submissions from 1989

Evidence: Text, Rules, Illustrations, and Problems: The Commentary Method, Michael H. Graham

Modern State and Federal Evidence: A Comprehensive Reference Text, Michael H. Graham

Choosing the Business Entity, Elliott Manning and Stanley A. Koppleman

Submissions from 1987

United States Law, William Wilson Bratton
Hybrid Corporate Securities: International Legal Aspects (1987)

Submissions from 1985

Witness Intimidation: The Law's Response, Michael H. Graham

C.I. Lewis, Susan Haack
American Philosophy (1985)

Submissions from 1983

Regulation of Foreign Investment in Brazil : A Critical Analysis, Keith S. Rosenn

Submissions from 1982

Law and Inflation, Keith S. Rosenn

Submissions from 1981

The Theory and Craft of American Law: Elements, Soia Mentschikoff and Irwin P. Stotzky

Trends in Brazilian Regulation of Business, Keith S. Rosenn

Submissions from 1980

Is Truth Flat or Bumpy?, Susan Haack
Prospects for Pragmatism: Essays in Memory of F.P. Ramsey (1980)

Submissions from 1979

Public Policy Issues in Genetic Counseling, Kenneth M. Casebeer and James F. Childress
Genetic Counseling: Facts, Values, and Norms (1979)

Submissions from 1978

Philosophy of Logics, Susan Haack

Submissions from 1974

Deviant Logic: Some Philosophical Issues, Susan Haack

Submissions from 1973

Florida Civil Procedure Handbook, M. Minnette Massey